Shufflepuck cafe
Shufflepuck cafe

shufflepuck cafe

Once all are defeated, the player gets in his spaceship and flies off into the distance. The main eight Shufflepuck players are standing in his way and will not let him get to the phone until he has beaten them all. Shufflepuck Café is the nearest place for miles, so he goes in to use their telephone. He needs to find a telephone to call the breakdown service and get the spaceship fixed. There is a general storyline behind the Amiga and NES versions of the game in which the player is an inter-galactic salesman whose spaceship has broken down.

shufflepuck cafe

Subsequent releases include Shufflepuck Revolution (an OS X version, now discontinued) and Shufflepuck (from the same developer). In some versions, during gameplay there is a cheat option, which gives the player the option of winning or losing the game, winning or losing the tournament or gaining or losing five points. He does not play in the main championship. DC3 serves as a training partner, who can be customised to be as easy or as difficult as the player wishes. He has no weaknesses and only the best players will be able to beat him. A tough, street-hardened biker dude who plays a mean game. When defeated, she reveals a little bit of her cleavage. One of two different sound effects accompanies each serve, indicating whether the puck will move in the same or opposite direction. When it is her turn to serve the puck, she uses telekinesis to float it out to the center of the table and drift it to one side before sending it toward the player. Princess Bejin: A woman with supernatural powers.He occasionally opens his robe to expose a one-eyed alien at chest level, who either smirks or snarls at the player depending on whether he has just won or lost a point. Mimics the player's own shot power and angle. Nerual Ttoille ("Lauren Elliott" spelled backwards): A non-corporeal alien.Recently divorced, he is addicted to shufflepuck, which he plays with fierceness and devotion. The General (also known as Eneg Doowtrop - "Gene Portwood" spelled backwards): A pig-like alien who pretends to be a military general, although he really is just a militaristic gung-ho enthusiast.When defeated, he hiccups and passes out. He begins playing fiercely and hard to beat, but as play progresses, he sips his champagne, making him inebriated and less focused on the game, thus easier to beat. Lexan Smythe-Worthington: A lizard-like alien, a filthy rich playboy who gets 30,000 credits per year to keep away from his home world.While not particularly strong, his playing style is consistent and is a slight step up in difficulty from the two previous opponents. Vinnie the Dweeb: A veteran shufflepuck player who keeps his calm and is not easily surprised.He jitters his paddle all over his end of the table, so that his serves often bounce back and forth on their way to the player. Visine Orb: A green-coloured alien with huge eyes, who is only about 1.5 metres tall and can barely see over his end of the table.Has just started in shufflepuck and thus is very nervous and slow to react, making him easy to beat. Skip Feeney: A short male human in his early 20s, wearing glasses.Shufflepuck Café includes nine opponents: The first player to score a set number of points (usually 15) wins the match. When one of the players manages to knock the hockey puck past the opponent's bat, the player scores. The bat on the playing field bounces a hockey puck between the player and the opponent. The game is controlled via the computer's mouse. The player can compete in a tournament, playing against opponents who visit the Café, or can practice against each opponent to find out their weakness in a single-player match. Screenshot from the Amiga version, playing against Princess Bejin

Shufflepuck cafe